By : M David Yusuf

Breast cancer statistics show that breast cancer still the second ranks cause of death in women caused by cancer. Cancer is still the most common illnesses experienced by women. breast cancer statistics obtained from the WHO in 2006 had found more than 1,2 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer.

From the results of research conducted by a university in the United States about cancer statistics show that 1 in 7 women in the world are at risk for breast cancer, or about 13,4 percent.

But the research also stated that not only women who are at risk of suffering from breast cancer. But men also have the same risk, although the risk of breast cancer in men are not as high as in women.

Breast cancer statistics at this time showed that 1 patient died from 33 breast cancer patients, or about 3 percent of breast cancer causes of death. And the estimate of this amount will be minimized. This is because of the increased public knowledge about breast cancer so that breast cancer can be detected early. In addition to the growing medical technology.

The statistics of breast cancer showed that age is also a major factor affecting. There mentioned that at age 30 the risk of breast cancer is 1 in 2.212 women. This figure increases when women reach the age of 80 years is 1 in 8 women.

The data above show that breast cancer remains a fearsome enemy to women. But this could be solved with early detection of breast cancer. Breast cancer statistics show that 96 patients would be cured if breast cancer is detected at stage one.

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